Can Birth During a Global Pandemic Still be Positive?

Are you due to give birth during lockdown? How is that making you feel?

As a hypnobirthing teacher I have been in close contact with a fair few expectant mums in recent months. The outbreak of Covid 19 has certainly cast a shadow over what should be such a special time for these women and their families.

I have been absolutely amazed at the resilience couples have shown and have truly had my heart warmed to hear some fantastically positive birth stores in spite of the challenges they have faced.

I had the privilege of supporting one particular lady who really did experience a whirlwind of difficult and upsetting circumstances at the end stages of her pregnancy.

Liz had ideally wanted a home birth. We had discussed this and she was clearly very excited at the prospect whilst keeping a sensible open mind. Sadly having developed a cough Liz and her family were subject to self isolation. Liz for 7 days and her husband and young son for 14 days. The timings of this couldn’t have been worse and her dream of a homebirth diminished. With a fabulous birth centre locally it was a blow that could be dealt with. This was until Liz was informed that her husband would no longer be able to be present at the birth.

With the threat of induction being placed upon Liz’s shoulders my primary aim in supporting her was in ensuring that she had the confidence to choose what was right for her and her baby with regards to the induction. Induction can have a profound effect on labour and it would have been likely Liz would have had to go through this alone. Liz declined induction with the best possible outcome. She went into spontaneous labour and had her baby at 42 weeks gestation.

Read her wonderful story:

I recently gave birth to my second son Isaac at 42 weeks. 

It was calm, there was laughter and it was beautiful. 

Yet, this was not my so longed for birth plan.   With thanks to COVID-19 and a cough I developed 10 days prior, I was unable to have a home birth and my husband was unable to attend the birth.

I’d told myself I was really flexible with planning a home birth. I was keeping an open mind and the safety of my baby was my priority, if plans had to change that was ok. However, in reality when this got taken away as a result of COVID-19 I was absolutely gutted. Things worsened still and I was not prepared in anyway to be told that my husband couldn't be there. The phone call took my breath away and I immediately broke down in tears. It was the final straw.  Everyday guidance had changed and the midwifery team were being told they had to do things differently.

I could not possibly imagine being able to do it without him by my side, he is my absolute rock. Seeing my husband so devastated was heartbreaking .  Any sense of calm and rationality went out the window.  I frantically looked up all of my options from independent midwives to paying privately for COVID-19 tests for us both to ensure he could be there. We quickly realised that due to timescales and budgets we were going to have to begrudgingly accept the way things were. 

I'd already been in close contact with Emma in the lead up to becoming full term. Contact increased more so having become 'overdue', a term that I found extremely frustrating. It was mentally and physically exhausting enough to get to full term and beyond without the added anxiety of a global pandemic. Emma helped me to realise that learning to manage my anxiety was absolutely key to regaining control of the situation.   Emma reminded me to indulge in my last precious days of pregnancy, to put myself in a bubble. I enjoyed feeling the sun on my skin. I relaxed in our garden having comforting cups of tea, playing with my three year old and enjoying walks. I made the most of  warm baths, hugs, kisses and laughter. 

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Emma helped me reset my mindset by going through some hypnobirthing relaxations over the phone. I sat surrounded by a nest of pillows, a relaxing aromatherapy candle, enabling myself to completely escape from the world, it was bliss. She helped me to switch off the negativity and focus on what was important. Taking time to consider the moment I would meet my little man and start our family life together.  I kept reflecting back to this hypnobirthing session throughout the next few days. I kept repeating an affirmation that she’d said………… 'in just a matter of days I’ll meet my new baby boy'. She reminded me to just let that amazing moment be at the forefront of my mind and to keep the oxytocin flowing.

The Birth 

Following a second membrane sweep, contractions started at 17:15. I enjoyed having dinner with my husband and three year old, gently bouncing on my birthing ball. I bathed my son, read him a story and then sat down with my husband to enjoy some distraction on the television. This was in the form of 'Our man in Japan'  with James May (it was fantastic  and I would definitely recommend). I sat and laughed while my husband massaged my neck and shoulders. 

My last memory of being at home is laying in a gloriously warm bubble bath in the soft glow of candle light. I was laughing my head off in between contractions, with my husband (who was laid on the bathroom floor) and the cat who wouldn't leave me alone! By this point I was having to focus on my breathing to get through each contraction.

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It was at this time that I called my godmother (my new birth partner) and the birth centre. It was time to head in. Four contractions in the twelve minute journey confirmed that everything was going as it should do. 

On arrival to the birthing centre the midwives were able to break my waters as I was in established labour. I got into to the birthing pool shortly after midnight. The warmth of the water easing my contractions and the weight of my body was pure bliss. There was only one point that I suddenly felt overwhelmed with sadness that my husband  wasn't with me that left me feeling a little panicky.  In this moment, I repeated the affirmations as Emma had taught me and visualised us all being together as as family of four. It passed quickly. 

Baby Isaac arrived at 01:29 03.04.20 in the birthing pool with my gorgeous godmother and amazing midwife present. We video called my husband seconds later and shared the fact that our son had arrived safely into the world. Then after a just a few hours to complete the observation period, Isaac and I were home again to meet Daddy for the first time. We all snuggled into bed and were shortly joined by our three year old who was delighted his baby brother was here, it had all happened while he slept.  What Emma had taught me to focus on was right there in this moment. The affirmation had become a reality.

Emma thank you for your fabulous support, I will always remember your kindness .

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