What Are The Benefits of Working With A Post-Natal Personal Trainer?

Personal Training. So Much More Than Just Fitness……..

It would be so easy for me to write a blog listing all the positive benefits of working with a personal trainer in the post-natal period.

I feel however, that there is nothing better than hearing from someone who has experienced it themselves.

I interviewed one of my clients about exercise in her post-natal recovery, and this is what she had to say.

1. How many children do you have and what are their ages?

I have 2 children, aged 3 and 7 months.

2. How long have you been training with Emma?

I have been having personal training sessions for almost 6 months.

3. What was your exercise level and fitness prior to having your children? Was there anything that you particularly enjoyed doing?

My fitness levels have varied over the years. Ranging from running regularly and going to a beach bootcamp twice a week to doing almost nothing. I wasn’t at my fittest when I got pregnant and had put on weight. I enjoy group exercise but found it harder to fit in after having my first baby as I also worked full time. As a result of this I used to opt for running so that I could just go from home whenever I liked.

4. What was the reason you sought support from a Post-Natal Personal Trainer?

Whilst I was pregnant I decided I was going to commit to getting fit and losing my weight once I had my baby. I had intended to find a Mum and Baby Fitness class so I knew it would be safe for post-natal women and gradually build back up to running. I had lost a lot of confidence in exercise and probably would have felt a bit intimidated in a normal type of gym or class/bootcamp. I also wouldn’t know which exercises I should be modifying without support. However, due to Covid-19 these plans went out of the window. I wasn’t keen on online classes but I had seen Emma’s posts on Facebook on small group PT. After looking at her website I decided to treat myself to some 1:1 PT sessions whilst the restrictions were in place.

5. Were there any aspects of your pregnancy or birth that triggered your desire to improve your health and fitness?

I had gestational diabetes in pregnancy and hated it. It made me determined to do all I could to minimise my chances of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. This means getting down to a healthy weight and staying there for good.

6. What has working with a Post-Natal Personal Trainer taught you about your body?

Loads! I am so much more aware of my pelvic floor, my core and how I should be engaging and holding myself. I have seen improvement in some exercises that I really struggled with initially that has just come with practice.

7. Are you pleased with the results you have achieved so far? Have you been able to reach any goals yet?

Yes I am really pleased. I feel fitter, stronger and have lost 3 stone in weight. I recently started a bit of running which had been a goal of mine, I can really feel the benefit of all of the strength training we have done.

8. What have you enjoyed the most about working with Emma?

I really enjoy the variety of the sessions. They are always challenging but tailored to be safe and appropriate for whatever post-natal stage I am at. It’s also nice to be trained by someone who understands all of the physical issues as well as the general stresses of life as a busy mum of two.

9. What in your opinion, has been the most worthwhile aspect of the investment you have made into supporting your body at this stage of your life?

I am so glad I had PT with Emma rather than just plunging back into running too early and ignoring the side effects of my pelvic floor not being ready. So many people try to say it’s normal and to be expected to have pelvic floor issues when exercising after children, but Emma has shown me that this doesn’t have to be the case.

10. Is there anything you would like to add? Any feedback?

Having post-natal PT with Emma is the best money I ever spent. I have rediscovered my love of exercise. It’s not just as a short term thing to lose weight but a lifestyle choice that has massive physical and mental benefits. My maternity leave has been nothing like I hoped or expected due to the strange times we find ourselves in, but I have always looked forward to my sessions. It’s also nice to chat to someone else actually in person (socially distanced of course!) about the usual mummy stuff like lack of sleep, feeding and frustrating toddlers that I have missed out on by not going to any baby groups!


I am based in Dorset, serving Wimborne, Blandford, Shaftesbury and the surrounding area. If you would like to know more please get in touch.

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