What is Hypnobirthing? A Brief Overview

EB Fitness & Well-Being - Promoting Positive Birth in Dorset

Almost as soon as a woman announces that she is pregnant she quickly becomes bombarded with horror stories of birth. People surrounding her, without ill meaning; seem to revel in divulging the most gruesome and terrifying accounts. This coupled with how birth is represented in the media, sets the mother up for a pregnancy filled with fear about the birth of her baby. Birth is portrayed as a dangerous and increasingly medicalised event.

It really doesn’t have to be this way.

At EB Fitness & Well-being I teach the Katharine Graves Hypnobirthing Programme. The course is accredited by The Royal College of Midwives and offers a comprehensive antenatal education for expectant parents. Those that attend gain extensive knowledge about the physiology of birth. Acquiring a deep understanding of the body’s amazing design gives confidence and enables the mother to trust in her natural ability to give birth.

During the course parents learn hypnotherapy techniques which help the mother to be able to achieve a state of deep relaxation during her pregnancy and during labour. When thinking about hypnosis many will imagine stage hypnosis where subjects appear to cluck like chickens or eat onions as if they were apples in a trance like state. Hypnobirthing is in no way similar to this. The mother is in complete control at all times and will be able to come in and out of her relaxed state whenever it is needed during the birth. Hypnobirthing sets the most positive frame of mind in parents which in turn allows the mother’s body to progress through labour comfortably, efficiently and effectively.

While hypnobirthing can’t always promise the perfect birth, those who use the technique are less likely to need medical intervention and are likely to have a shorter labour. Hypnobirthing will always have a positive effect whatever the birthing scenario.

A future blog will highlight specific benefits of hypnobirthing for not only the Mother but also her birth partner and baby too.

The course can be delivered in the privacy of your own home or as part of a group. Group courses are held in the beautiful Tarrant Valley with a promise of plenty of biscuits! For more information please get in touch via the website and find me on Facebook & Instagram. @ebfitnessandwellbeing.